Side Effects of Astral Projection? In this situation, you literally give up control of your body and your mind to the universe. Another thing to keep in mind is that astral projection does not work for everybody. Some people are born with the "ability", others acquire it through practice, and still, others never develop it at all. Also, there is no "standard" way to do astral projection. Each individual has to find his or her own way.
A strange phenomenon called astral projection is said to occur when the energy that is normally bound in our physical body is released and sent out. This allows our non-physical self to travel, in spirit form, to other dimensions of reality. Sometimes this experience can be frightening or confusing but if you’re familiar with the basics of how it works, you can ensure your journey will be safe and pleasant.
Astral projection can be a completely natural process or it can be a psychological one. In either case, it is said to happen when the energy our bodies normally utilize for physical actions is released and sent out as a part of what is called an astral wave. The same energy that binds our bodies together from the inside allows us to move from location to location as well as manipulate objects in space.
If we think about it, there’s lots of information about how these abilities work. We know how much force would be needed to move a car or plane, and we know how much force we need to lift up a bag of groceries. This is all information that indicates to us exactly how much energy it takes to accomplish the tasks we do each day.
Most of the time, however, these abilities are being used subconsciously so we may not be aware of them at all. When you’re walking down the street, for example, your brain will automatically calculate all sorts of details including exactly how much distance you need to take to reach your destination. Then it will calculate which stepping patterns are needed to achieve this goal. Whether or not you are consciously aware of this calculation taking place is unknown but what’s important is that it happens. This means that the energy your body uses for simple movement is exactly the same energy that can be used for astral projection.
Cosmic Consciousness and the Astral Plane
It is said that when an individual has expanded consciousness they become part of a universal consciousness and they become aware of this fact. Many of these individuals also go on to describe their minds as moving beyond the physical plane of reality and into the astral plane of reality. Throughout history, many great thinkers such as Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Heraclitus, and Plotinus have claimed to be able to explore the astral plane with their minds.
Unfortunately, although many great thinkers have claimed to access this realm through thought or meditation, there exists no concrete evidence that supports their claims. This is because the astral plane is not visible to the human eye. If it were, then someone would have documented their experiences by now so we could all be aware of this great truth.
Still, there are a few things about this phenomenon that can actually be proven scientifically. The first being that energy cannot be destroyed. This means that the energy your body uses for physical movements must exist somewhere else – outside of your physical body – although we have no way of proving or measuring exactly where it might be located or how it works.
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