Monday, October 25, 2021

How to do astral projection?

How to do astral projection? Do you dream of the other worlds? Can you fly there? Do you think that these questions can be answered by you or you can never know for sure? Do you wish to learn how to astral project? It’s really simple. If you have a strong enough will, you will be able to project yourself in your dream-like state. However, this requires great discipline and concentration. It is not for everyone.

Astral projection is a term used as a synonym of Out-of-Body Experience (OBE) which was coined by astral traveler Robert Monroe. In this experience, the astral traveler leaves the body and travels outside of it. This is done spontaneously or with some induction techniques. The person can be out for extended periods of time or they can come back and reenter their body (jumping in and out). The range of time people can stay out is variable and depends on the person's experiences during the OBE. Research is still required to give as much solid consensus as possible as to what happens when an astral traveler leaves their body. A relationship between the physical body and the astral body has been proposed by some, but not proven by others. Being a skeptic myself, I am convinced that there is no real relationship between them, but let's leave that for a future article.

How to do astral projection?

Guide to astral Projection: How to Have an Out-of-Body Experience

The answer to this last question -- How to have an out-of-body experience? -- can be easily answered by saying: Just by willing it very hard! And once again, you must believe in the reality of experiencing such a thing for it to happen. The belief is what makes it happen -- if you believe it can be done, you will make it happen. Here's what to do:

1. First thing in the morning, look up and meditate on your astral body. Imagine that your astral body is floating out of your physical body and explore all the various levels and planes of consciousness that you can ascend to and then descend back to again. Let the astral body explore anything it likes for as long as necessary until your mind becomes well-conditioned to doing this sort of thing.

2. Next, imagine that your astral body can do anything you can do in your physical body -- move, jump, run, fly. Train yourself to do so.

3. The third step involves sending your astral body out of your physical one -- this is done by "transcending" limits. So many people have trouble doing this because they need to know what to expect beforehand. For example, when I need to leave my body, I say out loud: "Go out NOW!" at the same time that I push my hands through their respective openings in order to pull myself up.

4. The fourth step is to come back into your physical body -- usually towards the end of any astral project. When I do return, I always say "back" to my physical body just as it begins to go out again. To exit again, I just breathe out slowly at the same time that I push my hands through their respective openings in order to pull myself up again.

5. The fifth step is to bend your legs back down into your physical body -- that's how you "land" it safely again. Say "I have arrived!" out loud as you do so so that there can be no mistake.

6. The sixth step is to re-enter your body -- if you came out via the head, you must re-enter at the same place. If you came out anywhere else, just re-enter anywhere else.

7. The seventh and final step is to say: "I am here -- I have just returned."

It's always a good idea to say "back" if your physical body begins to fall back down again, and then just push yourself up again even if it means that you'll be running into the ceiling or slamming up against the floor and hurting yourself.

Astral projection is a common practice in many spiritual traditions. It is the ability to leave your body and travel in the Astral plane, also known as the Astral Body. In this state, you can experience many things such as traveling, communicating with other beings, seeing things that you cannot see with your physical eyes, and more. So in closing , I would like to ask you, do you want to travel to the other side? The answer may surprise you. It's simple, you have to have a strong belief in the "other side" and the reality of flying out of your body to be able to do it. I would like to thank my friends for helping me with these article about astral projection, and I hope you all get the chance to try it out.

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