CIA and astral projection. The CIA was in bed with astral projection research from the very beginning, and they did all they could to make this project succeed, and in order to do that they needed an army of willing subjects. People were given LSD, often several times, and the majority of people had at least some sort of experience with it, while some went on to have even more profound experiences. All of these experiments were done on US citizens, some of which continued through the 70s. The results were incredible.
According to a report from 1966 by the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence: “As for the nature of out-of-the-body states, it seems reasonable to suggest that there is an entity, or group of entities, or a combination of entities which is able to project its consciousness outside its physical body.”
The CIA, for its part, has said that "the idea that humans can directly access a celestial or astral plane is not new" and that they have been aware of human capabilities to have experiences in the "astral plane" since 1947. This celestial reality is also often described as being finer than our physical one and made up of a powerful energy. If you want to know more about astral projection, keep on reading! I’ll wait.
Astral projection involves the soul separating from the body and traveling to this finer reality, which is where many people claim to have their religious experiences. They also claim that heaven exists in this place, but again, I argue that it exists beyond space and time here on Earth—which is all that really exists anyway. Here is the interesting part.
The Church of Scientology has a slightly different term for astral projection. They call it "exteriorization." The founder of their church, L. Ron Hubbard, spent years studying this phenomenon, even working with an individual who claimed to be able to project at will. The person was able to accurately describe the inside of someone’s house he had never seen before—right down to the smell of perfume in a closet!
CIA astral projection gateway: According to The CIA's book "Project Artichoke" the experiments conducted were meant to test out ways to spy on people. One of the most common was the Remote Viewing Program, in which an officer would place a person in a “telepathic trance” and then send their consciousness outside their body in order to spy on things or find information. Another one of those experiments was the CIA's Stargate Project. This report also mentions that “a small number of subjects reported hearing voices” during astral travel.
In addition to the above experiments, there have been other reports from people claiming to have had near-death experiences or to have seen a light at the end of a tunnel during these times. Many of these people also claim to have had some sort of out-of-body experience. All of these experiments are just an exercise in trying to control the masses. The CIA was also interested in figuring out ways the brain could be controlled to achieve different results, which includes “perfecting drugs” and "mind control.
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