Monday, October 25, 2021

dangers of astral projection

What are the dangers of astral projection? The dangers of astral projection are few and far between. The more common side effects of long term projections include aching muscles, a temporary lack of physical coordination or physical fatigue, emotional instability and non-physical anomalies such as a temporary loss of appetite, an increased production of saliva or perspiration. Unlike more dangerous forms of trancing however, astral projection does not involve any loss in consciousness. Furthermore it is also not completely clear if prolonged astral projection can lead to any form of brain damage, but this assumption is generally based on the fact that the brain has been known to have difficulties during the process while lucid dreaming.

The reason for these effects is more of a psychological nature. The unconscious mind of a person transitions from a waking state into a dark and disorienting sleep that is only broken every so often by an awakening, which then causes any associated changes in mood or physical sensation to form. In this state of being the conscious mind is completely cut off from its more impulsive and emotional side, causing it to be more susceptible to suggestions from outside sources such as other "outside entities" or miscommunications with loved ones. It is a paradoxical state which can easily be confused for something supernatural, but in reality is simply the mind going through various stages while dreaming.

dangers of astral projection

A person who experiences astral projection is able to leave their physical body at will, which is also referred to as leaving their dream body. This process however, is not without its dangers. Although consciousness does not completely leave the physical body, there is a window of time during which the conscious mind can be separated from it and almost seem like an independent entity. Afterward the conscious mind must reintegrate and scramble back up to reality or risk permanent damage if they lose too much awareness or awareness longer than expected. Therefore while astral projection does not inherently put a person in danger, it can still cause them irreparable harm if they lose control of their actions while out of their own bodies.

The techniques of astral projection are considered to be similar methods used in various ways to induce an out of body experience. Out of Body experiences are typically caused by brain trauma, seizures, near death experiences or other extreme forms of stress that can cause unconsciousness. However the latter is also commonly associated with sleep paralysis which is an entirely different form of trance. The difference between these two forms of trancing is that one deals with the subject being conscious while experiencing a sense of separation from their body, while the other deals with the subject being unconscious during the event itself. However both forms commonly experience many similar psychological effects due to altered states of awareness, so much so that it is often hard to differentiate between them.

Unfortunately, because astral projection involves moving your mind (and therefore, the atoms that comprise it) outside your body, there are many dangers that can occur. One of the biggest dangers of astral projection is that it is easy to become separated from your body and mind. This can make you vulnerable to other entities. If the entity isn't interested in harming you, this shouldn't pose a problem.

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